Craters of Alexandria

Saturday, September 2, 2007
1:11 am EDT
Phillips ToUcam Pro (640x480) with Baader Planetarium IR-Pass Filter
Kalamazoo Nature Center - Owl Observatory
Meade 12" f/10 LX200 Schmidt-Cassegrain
Images acquired with IRIS.   RegiStax 4 aligned and stacked only 29 of 601 images (bad seeing).  Wavelet filters adjusted with RegiStax.  Further enhancements made with Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
The three large craters featured in this image are all named for citizens of the city of Alexandria, the center of science in the ancient world.  Below and left of center is Catharina.  Name for St. Catharina, a patron of Christian philosophers, it measures 100 km (62 miles) in diameter.  Above and right of center is the crater Cyrillus, which is 98 km (61 miles) in width.  It’s named after St. Cyril, a Bishop of Alexandria, who died in 444 AD.  Along with Catharina, these two form a dumbbell-like structure.  The third crater, mostly lost in darkness, is Theophilus and is also 100 km in diameter.  This crater is named for St. Theophilus, who was also a Bishop of Alexandria from 385 AD until his death in 412 AD.  All three craters have ring mountain systems in various states of disintegration.