Eudoxus Crater

Saturday, September 2, 2007
1:19 am EDT
Phillips ToUcam Pro (640x480) with Baader Planetarium IR-Pass Filter
Kalamazoo Nature Center - Owl Observatory
Meade 12" f/10 LX200 Schmidt-Cassegrain
Images acquired with IRIS.   RegiStax 4 aligned and stacked 35 of 601 images.  Wavelet filters adjusted with RegiStax.  Further enhancements made with Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
Eudoxus is the crater shown in the center of the image.  It's named for the Greek astronomer and pupil of Plato.  He developed a system of concentric spheres, rotating about the Earth (considered the center of the universe at the time), to explain the motions of celestial bodies  Eudoxus is 67 km (42 miles) in diameter and contains fine-structured terraced walls.  Aristoteles is the larger crater (87 km or 54 miles in diameter) above Eudoxus and is named for the famous Greek philosopher.  Below Eudoxus is the greatly eroded crater Alexander, named after none other than Alexander the Great.  It's slightly smaller in diameter than Aristoteles (82 km or 51 miles).